Saturday, July 14, 2007

Leaving PSM...

After the acquisition of my car... I finally made my move..

There's this job opening in a reputable marine offshore company in Benoi road. its a major player in the marine sector. I saw the ads in the newspaper 2 weeks ago. I send in my resume, and they responded back.

I used my stock-take leave (3 days for the stock taking job) to go for the initial interview. The manager in charge and me, briefly spoke for around 10 mins. His name is Adwin. and there is another superior there, thin lean man, bespectacled. Name's eric.

We talked about the job over there at G. and my current job. why i wanna leave. etc. it was a casual non-intimate chat, then I was ushered to the door. I pondered if I would get a 2nd interview, (coz they say if i am selected, they will call me again)

A week later, the receptionist called me up. Asked for a 2nd interview (sounds firm that I would get the job). At this moment of time, Darren and I are planning for a trip to Thailand. and my ICT is the coming last week of July. a terribly bad timing to be having any thoughts of resigning.

I have this feeling that I am selected despite not having been to the interview as yet. I took a half day leave this week. Drove all the way to Tuas. Adwin and Eric appear again. Eric showed me a catalogue, about the products they are selling. they were very frank with me. "its definitely not an easy job. and its a s*it job and you have to be prepared for a culture shock from your present job". Will you take it?

The terms are there. Allowances for petrol and car is 1,000. (600 petrol + 400 car maintenance. ) and that's exclusive of what I am drawing currently. its definitely a good offer.

But the difficult part is meted out. I had to learn the internship program. 6 mths probation. Learn from the 'lau jiaos'. 6 mths later, another raise from my current salary upped 200. and eventually lead a bunch of 'lau jiao' uncles to form a team. that would be the post of a sales & marketing asst mgr.

"Gaining the respect of the seniors is the most impt aspect of the job. they are so seasoned that they would probbaly not listen to your instructions".

-its really a tall ordeal-

and I would be supervised by Eric. I told them I needed time to talk to Darren about it. Afterall, they wanted me to start work on Aug 20th. Hardly anytime to tender. which means I would need to tender before 20th July.

I told them maybe could I start work in Sept? But Adwin was quick to interject. "if you really wanna come to G, you would have agreed immediately" . I was in dilemma. I told them I will talk to Darren today.

Adwin added. " I will wait for your call. deadline is Sat morning. If you nvr call by then, we would seek replacement."

-I nodded-

I was in a daze the whole of today.. I waited the whole day for everyone to leave the office. I had a long talk with Darren about it. Darren listened. and didnt put me off straight. He thinks its a great opportunity. and that PSM could never counter-offer me in that sense. He asked me to think over the weekend, and will talk to me again on Monday.

I guess I had already made up my mind. I sms-ed Adwin and told him I had it covered. and will report to work on Aug 20th. Somewat rushy, but for a commitment guy like me , I guess I need to keep the dough coming.

He called back immediately. He sounds pleased. I duno why. I was.. so confused.

I miss the folks back at PSM. but somehow.. people like me, will not let emotions rule over bread-and-butter issues. people like me, cannot let this emotions backlash affects the future. I must keep moving forward. Only by moving forward will success comes. I do not want to be a guy in my 30's and still staying in an office that gives me a certain amount of comfort level, that I forgot my goals.

I was very silent today when I reached home. Mum was equally astounished at my silent self. I got my car keys and took a long drive up Mandai road. Alone.

I stopped my car along the zoo road. tears welled up in my eyes. I really miss the times I am in PSM. the colleagues.. the things they had given me. taught me the ropes of sales. I owe everything that I am today, to PSM.

I can only show my emotions in private. and that is the only time I will be showing it. In public, I am cold-hearted and logical. But.. times have asked me to leave. I will leave PSM afterall.

Come monday, I will tell Darren. and the rest.. is up to fate's hand.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember telling you before, that PSM is a good company with good colleagues, but bad amount of jobs.

Benoi road? eh thats really far, but anyways, wish u all the best in the new company.

You are right, its hard to gain respect from the elderly.

Actually bee, whats ur goal?

5:54 AM  
Blogger eternal-east said...

bee, my goal? to be a yuppie LOL
but u are right.. i need to leave the line because its a soulless job.

I miss those folks.. but dun miss the work there. =/

10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how true..

normally we get great colleagues n as time goes by, we click wif them so well n used to the environment..definitely hard to say gdbye after foundation is built..I can feel u dong...I been thru so many job hops (ops =X)..all becoz of shit jobs..not coz of colleagues..
There is always some sacrifices we have to make to gain something..
Humans need to climb ladder...relations r equally impt but take it as a challenge to circle different kind of pple in the working society.

Say so much also forget to congrats to u..hahahaha..all the best!! A step higher to the next career level.. gd luck ;)

1:28 PM  
Blogger レイチェル said...

all da best in your new career...

12:46 PM  
Blogger joey said...

i am happy for u coz all along i hope u cld move on. wish u all the best in ur new job. to handle lao jiao -be humble :)

1:36 PM  

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