Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Messed up

Was on MC today.

Feverish and threw up couple of times. (probably due to the diet pills I am taking all these while.. OOPS)

I cant believe NONE of my colleagues called me up today for any WORK RELATED ISSUE. phews. (Maybe I used to get all these calls whilst I am on holidays/MC/weekends, kinda have a reaction to not receiving them)

A few small affairs to share with your folks:

I wrote a letter to Powerhouse on Sunday in 'advanced planing' for my birthday party this coming August. And I was surprised the manager of powerhouse called me personally to inform that it had all been taken care of! (members do get taken care of afterall)

Here is the email contents;

Dear east

1- Advance reservations usually we do only 2 weeks in advance as sometimes we might have private functions going on the the actual day of booking . I can reserve the table for you now no problem .But in any case if there is a private function only the reservation time may vary .

2- Yes , i allow you redeem your Bottle of proseco Champagne same day as Mr Ding .

3-Brief Price Lists-after Members Disc

a-Chivas 4.5L:$900

b-hennesy 3 L:$688 c-Martell 3 L:$832 d-Hennesy 1.5L :$364 e-Cordon Bleu 3 L:$1575 f-Johnie Walker 4.5L:$789

Purchase of any bottle above is comes with free mixers such as -coke ,sprite ,green tea etc

4- Perks for birthday

a-You are allow to sign in 7 guest per member .-Entry to club is at Mgr discretion .Your guests may be rejected without any reason given .

b- Our drinks are already at promotional prices . All drinks except the 1.5 ltrs bottles and above are at 20% disc .

In any case,you can contact me at XXXXXXXX or my colleague Mr Gordon Foo at XXXXXXXX if you have any queries . Till Then


Aziz Elias

wakkakaka, I am indeed 'kiasu' but if I have to bank on PURE LUCK to get a reservation 2 weeks before August, I must be joking with myself. Nvrtheless, I looked forward to being.. (ahem) 29.. -_-"

I totally forgotten how old I am. I mean, I can really enjoy myself like those 22-23 yr old adults but I had not input age as a barrier to anything. until my friends had to remind me.. "east, u're not young, even fookie is a father at 29, many of your net friends is married/ with 1 or 2 divorced /planning to get married/ verge of marriage alreadY! "


Despite being on MC today, I did something really... silly? or maybe not really. I took the Evo spoiler and make an hr long trip down to Ubi from Yewtee and pass it to the spray workshop. and coincidentally, the owner wasnt around, and he told me to pass it to his mom. (His mom??!!) So i amusingly, went to the 5th floor, saw an old lady which I think is his mum.

-I am really ashamed of myself after talking to her for a mere 5 mins-


I was talking to her about patching one of the holes in the spoiler when she interjected me like 3 times in a row..

ME: "Auntie ah, G asked me to pass you my spoiler..."

AUNTIE: "Ah yes, G told me about it."

ME: " Erm, I am supposed to inform you so you can inform G that I have a little hole in my spoiler..."

AUNTIE: -pass it over and inspecting it- "ahh yes I found the hole, dont worry we can patch it up."

ME: " well you see, I was afraid your workshop is unable to do so, luckily the spoiler is made of "

AUNTIE: " yeah I KNOW, its FIBER"

ME: "Oh you knew that? hehe.. *sheepish* well, actually my color of choice is that black Mit Lancer basic code which is.. "

AUNTIE: " Mit Lancer Black Mica X42, yes I understand"

ME: *even more sheepish* "Oh, you knew that too? hehe..."

ME: " so erm, I will come to Ubi to install it on Monday on 25th when I returned from my short trip, so the installation must be mounted before.."

AUNTIE: " Mounted on rubber platform with machine screws thread size xxx length xxx "


-I must really go back and start reading the forum pages again. NO! make that 10 forum pages a day. -

So we ended this little episode to talked about my final issue.

I was a lil messed up couple of days ago. A good friend of mine Y show me a pic of another friend B whom worked in an airline. So when B appear on msn, I showed her the pic and crapped about how I found it on the net and then we proceed to talk about other things later after, which never crossed my mind that Y might be offended by my action.

I do admit I was a bit insensitive on my part. and as forseen, she was generally pissed so we had a conversation abt it. then I realized its not the nature of the matter that pissed her, but the principle of the matter per se. Generally I was apologetic and hope things will cool off in a while.

I guess I am too insensitive on this affair, maybe I am beginning to feel like only monetary affairs are generally taken offensively and personally. but since Y is my good friend, I should be more emotionally corresponding in future.

but despite all these issues we had, used to have and perhaps for future issues we might even faces conflicts with, I must say we do understand each other better by the days. Being Leo sometimes pisses people off without realizing.

I just hope we can cool it and we'll go back to talking terms again. and no, its not going to stop me from asking her to my birthday bash as well. (I promised to bring her and her bf to cheong one of these days)

So Y, if you are reading this, I am sorry for my insensitivity.

Yours sincerely

I guess I really messed up sometimes...


Blogger レイチェル said...

Gordon Foo...!! Boss's son!!!

12:57 AM  

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