Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Struck by flu

yeah... I feel horrible since Tuesday. bet my boss gonna kill me since I took a Monday annual leave and reported sick on Thursday.

Haiz... had tummy ache, headache, diarrhoea, nose is runny, and can't breathe well as the mucus stuck inside my throat. throat feels funny as well.

Lots of issues at hand. CY thinks I am stressed. WHO wouldnt be stress if you had to standby your email every night and standy for emergency calls from the company!?!?

*Really envy those who don't need to bring their lappie home*

Jobs that paid you well enough to spill blood and sweat for the company does have its flaws.

On a lighter note, company had decided to buy me a spare charger to put at home, so I don't need to unplug my current laptop charger every fri liao!

and I will be getting a new laptop bag as this stupid DELL cant fit in the old Fujitsu laptop bag. I'm also demanding a small lighter carry case for usage to Macdonalds. hehe
P:S Anyone had good automotive repair shops to intro for modifications of Lancer?


Blogger レイチェル said...

i also want a Targus for my Vaio...
can u get 4 instead, and give one to me? lolx

9:27 AM  
Blogger joey said...

he wun lah. he so cat. we dun call him Mr Cat for nuts

And i am glad i dun have to bring lappie home. i draw a deep line between my work and personal life

9:19 AM  

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