Wednesday, May 09, 2007

When was the last time you talked to your ex?

I was on the msn with a female friend the other day and I chanced upon her blog. It wasnt something very exciting on the contents, but something caught my eye.

The line was something in the context of "The ex-gf and current gf in a single room, talking like friends."

Truly admirable.

I guess you couldnt catch me doing this. Maybe 1 million years down the road, my stubborn nature (or you could say immaturity) refused to see anyone that I had past relationships with.

Why? you would say.

Too awkward for me. Probably painful along the way.

The most uncomfortable situation I would imagine myself to be in. Trapped in a lift with ex-s. lol I cant imagined it.

Yes, years passed. You should forget everything. forget you ever been hurt. Forget the betrayal. the trauma, the drama. You should forget for what you are, and what you once stand for.

what a seemingly impossible task.

Sometimes I just wished I had one ex-phone number in my cellphone. Just one. but i couldnt do it. I guess gals are more easily forgiving than guys. probably a good nature in them.

like my friend, Ms E had loads of her ex-bfs contacts in her cellphone. its like they emerged to play other roles in her life. Sometimes as a chauffer. sometimes as chatter, sometimes as travel companion. Life goes on for her. the rest satisfied on the arrangement. Admirable.

this confusing heart-breaking nature of mine. Should i feel hurt when I see my ex? Should I feel happy when i see my ex? Should I be talking to her in the first place? I find no answer in it. perhaps I do not want to question it at all.

Leo nature in me probably. Proud lion. Lonely in dealing in heart breaks. but perform better in other areas.

I saw an ex in town last week. She was walking in my direction. I skipped to a corner. till she walked passed.

As I glanced back, there she was, holding a man's hand. So I duno how I should feel. lets just say, I was looking at the siluotte of hers, till she is gone.

I guess I am the kind that'll never ever see past gfs, but in my heart, if she is happy without me. I guess that'll be how it should be.

I'll walk silently away. and praying to God that I wish never meet her again in the next occasion.

The poor and pathetic emotional Leo.


Blogger レイチェル said...

not even those from long long time, when-you-are-young-innocent-guy time?
U have damn gd memory, i would say... hahaha

11:21 AM  
Blogger eternal-east said...

I guess I passed the phase of being innocent oops

No la.. i still rem them. even they turn into ashes. I would still.

they call this Fate.

11:30 AM  
Blogger レイチェル said...

what brand of dictionary u use? lolx

11:56 AM  
Blogger joey said...

for this topic i can think on the same wavelength as u..coz i wun keep in touch with my ex too. yeah he wanna be friends but i refused to. too painful....

11:52 AM  

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