Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Affairs of the heart

Probably one of the topics which I do not wish to venture into...

Was out drinking with a friend at St james yesterday. Very surprised he actually asked me out for a drink. I mean, we hardly go out and all we does is msn each other at work quite often.

Turned out that he got dumped by his gf of 4 yrs. (haiz)

They started out in the final yr of poly, sweet innocent love, then graduation. Enter society. Both went into different careers of their lives.

His gf, I seen a couple of times, a very confident female and I should say, she had a stubborn streak inside her which I would perceive as arrogance. My friend is a very laid-back, relaxed and humorous guy. But everyone can see that the guy is very accomodating to the gf.

Everytime the gf came over to stay at his house, (he doesnt have a very big HDB, because its tucked in btw a very profitable piece of land) he will take out her casual clothes, stacked it neatly, towel and all, asked her to take a shower before having dinner.

And because he had a small room, (single bed that is) he would ask the gf if she would take the bed or the mattress on the floor. He heed every whims and demands of his gf. when they had an arguement, the gf had a very fiery temper, (this i challenged personally before lol) and would end my friend in defeat. He would say sorry everytime for giving her the trouble. (even when they are in an arguement)

I would say my friend is kinda 'hen-pecked' in this situation. because everytime his friends asked him out for a drinks or programs, he will say 'sorry, I had to keep her company'.

He slowly loses his social circle in this scenario because he betted everything on this gal. Lately i heard they even bought a HDB together, 400K worth. and been pumping into the instalments for quite sometime. even his (and her) parents think they're gonna be married.

They had 3 accounts. (one for the future kid) (one for the flat) and one joint account. I can see that this is quite a dedicated piece of r/s.

One day, ( a few days ago), his gf called him up and says, "sorry I felt no love for you already, why dont we take a cooling period and see if we can hold on?"

My friend says ok. if that is what she wants, maybe she will think through it right?

So after 3 days, the gf says "sorry I tried. but I think its best we spilt. find a day to settle our bank accounts and flat."

My friend spend the entire day crying in his room. Anguish, depression. loads of whys. agony of heartbreak.

I can understand why the breakup is so cool for his gf. The gf was in a different line before she joined the banking sector. Because she was so serious in her work, she was promoted twice and my friend, was in the same post doing what he liked best.

Probably she went out with the big bosses for social functions, seen all those big cars and rich ppl, realized she could have all these. She isnt really an ugly gal, probably the rich bankers took a fancy to her. and the story ends here.

You heard of the story of the peacock and the bull? The bull toiled his whole life in the fields to give the peacock a good life, but the peacock merely wanted more ppl to lavish attention on.

He was telling me, in between our tiger beers (I ordered a high tower tiger beer for him) , that this is 'the darkest hrs of his life'.

I told him this, "Bro, this is your brightest moment of your life. it's so bright you could actually see ppl behind their masks. the sacrificies you made, you remember, but when ppl like her looked down on you, it will be you, who will need to re-convince the world."

I kinda find it funny. Probably he had too much to drink or just kidding, I couldnt help but stifle my laughter.

"Bro, (he said) I wanna be like you."

I almost laffed out loud in that loud powerhouse atmosphere.

Me: " You dun wanna be me! trust me! Be someone else!"

Him: "No really. You are always so carefree, you get to travel to other countries and see so many exciting things, and you're getting a car already by yourself!"

Me: *Frowning* I dont think this is something you admire me about yeah? those material stuffs and luxuries?"

Him: "okay I am just kidding... then. (he proceeds to take a sip)

We had a cool 3 hrs finishing the gallon-full of tiger beer. and still quite sober after that. He is stronger than I think he is. he didnt want to go back should the gf regrets her decison.

I took him around st james because he never was a cheongster and probably he lost his social life worshipping the very woman who plunged the knife into his heart. I kinda feel sorry for him.

We went home at around 1am. He msged me and thanked me for the time tonight.

As I laid in bed looking at the ceiling. I think to myself.. "why would anyone wanna be me?"

I made sacrifices as well.

There was one fleeting moment when I chose not to be in this position and have you back. I would gladly do so.

I sighed aloud and went into a deep slumber.

I dreamed a nightmare that night.

P:S: On a short note, Happy Mayday everyone! Short week ahead wor.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am gonna be honest..

i wouldnt wan to be like you.. because u are still running around in circles in life....

3:48 PM  
Blogger joey said...

if i was there last night..i would also support wat u told ur fren that he would not want to be like u hahah

and WHY U NEVER JIO ME GO DRINKING LAST NIGHT?!?! shit u..i was in depression as well and need someone to counsel me

10:31 PM  
Blogger eternal-east said...

bee: *kickass* yeah. there are ppl who failed to see those points.


11:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes is just becoz he is too accomodating that she take for granted...n when outside exposure have wat it takes on her, she went astray...sigh...

9:15 AM  
Blogger eternal-east said...

That's why I hate gals like those -_-"

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

men also behave lidat too that why i also hate guys like those

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aiya, bottom line is, dun be too emotional and u wun be hurt.

U'll hurt ppl instead! LOL

10:47 PM  

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