Monday, March 05, 2007

The day the Leo sign beckons…

I was reading this on TODAY when something jolts me out of my usual slumber.

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)
If you really care about someone from your past or someone you recently met, make an all-out effort to be with this person. If you are already in a relationship, let your passionate side take over. Don't overspend in the process.

I was very disturbed by this statement. What does the horoscope mean? Does it have a hidden meaning?

I didn’t meet anyone recently, so it must be someone from the past.


A lot of old memories jolted back bit by bit. It must be traumatizing to relive the old memories back as the bus rumbles on. I’m starting to feel headache… and heartache at the same time.

Then it reminded me of HER. the one from MANY YEARS AGO. Does the zodiac means her? (No answer in the newspaper)

I looked out of the bus in despair, trying to figure out what it actually means… then someone’s mobile starting ringing to the tune of "TRULY MADLY DEEEPLY". It was a Nokia N80.

Of all mobile phones I should be encountering, it had to be a NOKIA N80! Does the horoscope means, I should go back looking for the gal whom left 4 years ago?

I was quite apprehensive about this actually.

“It’s a sign cant you see?”(My mind was screaming)
“Finally you can get back to where you ended and have a happy life again!” (so the f**king mind said)

-So you see, I was deeply disturbed the whole morning over this-

Many of my friends sensed this in my msn and starting pouring advices, of course, snide remarks included. (LOL)

S: “surely you can’t just let all this superstition gets to your head? Its just some stupid people writing about stuffs to make you feel better, that’s all!”
Me: “so what you mean is, there is some person in the newspaper agency whom just write a thing or two to raise people’s hope up for a buck or two and actually don’t meant what they say?”
S: “yeah.”

Milk is more logical when he msn-ed me.
M: “If you go and find her after so many years, a bit funny tio bo?” (He’s always the hokkien friend you can count on)

Rachie had been ultra-supportive.
R: “I am sure if you do not get it out of your system, you’ll definitely regret it.”
R: “You need any answer right? Find out how she had been doing? You have her contacts?”

Xinhui is very blunt as usual.
OXH: “You’ll definitely be disappointed.”

After so many years of waiting, it takes just one horoscope to f**k with my mind. And raised my hope skies high and then it plummet to the floor with one sickening “thud”.

Sometimes, for that bit of time I have left in my congested mind, I’ll think of her, wonder how she is doing, is she doing well, is she having a good time etc. then a hint of sadness wells up in my eyes, which I had gotten used to brush it away.

Back to facing the real world. Like nothing ever happened.

Perhaps I was over-reacting afterall.


Blogger レイチェル said...

TarbOr... jus do what u want to do. Once and for all....

9:15 AM  
Blogger eternal-east said...

takes a lot of courage to ask someone to say "NO" to you again. I'm not prepared to go thr that. Not prepared to take the pain.

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello sir, u asked mi for opinion too nnbz

10:48 AM  
Blogger joey said...

i agreed with what ur S friend said. pls lah wake up

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so...sounds like you REALLY care 'bout her, she's a lucky gal, having someone care bout her for over 4 should do it, if that's been on you're mind so long, then finish it once and for all, I'm sure you'll make things come out great...after all, you are a Leo, right?

1:50 PM  

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