Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Back from reservist & lancer photoshot

Phewz! finally back from the freaking Mother Nature's playground.

1 week of ICT certainly gives me some nostalgic feelings. Have not seen my men for the past year. They are doing quite well. We clicked off very well, I mean, there is no bad blood between us. We worked as well as we played hard.

There's a overnight exercise which happened on Wed till Thursday. Our platoon performed quite well, and we received a recon 2B (sort of a B- grade) for the entire exercise. Keep it up guys!

Recently, I noticed that my right hand, starting from the thumb, index finger and the middle finger is experiencing numbness. It felt like no blood is passing through my fingers as they should normally be. Like a clogged pipe. and it felt like little needles on the tip of my threee fingers. this symptons persisted for 2 weeks. I finally seek a chinese sinseh on this, and he says I am suffering from a wrist combination syndrome. (aka, the wrist is in an uncomfortable position for a long time, which affects the nerves on my fingers, like hogging on the mouse in that same position too long)

He rubbed on my wrist and gave me some physiotherapy. the pain was so excruciating, its indirectly affects my elbow, to my back, all the way to the back of my neck. Not an easy internal illness. He also does some accupunture on my back to relieve the pain. It was better. I used to feel coldness on the three fingers, recently the color came back. but the numbness remains. I was to report to him every week, and see how much I could recover before my new posting in G.

I am wearing a wrist guard till I get better. So if you see me wearing one at St james party, dun ask me why :P

Oh yeah, the party is coming this saturday. Just realized from the email that I written to St james powerhse last month contains Dennis Foo's son hp. Dennis who? Dennis Foo is the founder of Devil's bar and he is also one of the pionneer in creating the Singapore night scene. He's 54 now I heard. His son name's Gordon Foo. Imagine that, a mogul son! keke

I attended the Lancer photoshot (see inset) on Sunday at Paya Lebar. a total of 80+ vehicles turned up for the event. I had my sideskirts done on Saturday at Eunos, heard he's the best bodykit specialist in the market. and he pasted some awakward looking black scotchtape to secure my sideskirting. I drove it to the photoshot. (very malu lolx)

But its okay, my ride is black. So it doesnt matter. as long my side skirting holds, photo can take another day. :P

I have about 15 full working days with PSM. Each and every passing day, I cherished like it is my last day at work. the colleagues are getting on well w/o me. even CY whom relies on me heavily in the past, has begin to pick up the loose pcs by herself. I heard there's even some candidates available for interview. Maybe I will have chance to interview some of them. (Hopefully).

CY have booked an italian resturant on 1st Aug and arranged a nice farewell dinner for me. (just me and her) Before you BRATS start thinking if we have anything going on, NO. NOTHING. I personally hated office-colleague-romance. and we dont have any sparks going on. its just a normal superior-subordinate farewell dinner. a bit lavish I must admit. It cost more than The Line @ Shangri-la. for a meal of 2.

The major farewell dinner will be on my last day. Darren will host me for that one. kaka.

Sometimes, I duno if I made the right choice. But I knew for sure, if I made a decison, I must abide by it. Only guniangs regrets easily. Darren even asked me casually if I signed the apptment letter from G as yet. (I take it that this is just a casual remark)

But for now, I'll just look forward to the big event this coming Saturday on Aug 4th. Hope I get lucky with one of the ladies there! haha! slurpsss


Anonymous Anonymous said...

erm, have u tot that ur wrist issue might be due to prolong typing on the keyboard?

10:11 PM  
Blogger eternal-east said...

bee, i think so.
He says over-straining liaoz.
which is also quite true, I spend 8 hrs at work at the lappie.
come home spend another 3-4hrs on the keyboard and mouse.


9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah... really a lot of lancers over there...

1:05 PM  
Blogger joey said...

i think my back problem also got to do with prolong typing

1:12 PM  
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