Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Starrie died

I was so devastated that night.

It was just a casual weekend when my sis told me that Aisha (my star tortoise) is not eating her veggies. I noticed Aisha had not been eating her meals for most times.

I was worried that she'll be sick you see. So on the fated saturday, I took out the heavy tank, changed the entire bedding and cleaned out the 1 year old grass (yeah, its that old) and threw them away.

It doesnt seems strange to me that I found maggots had been crawling under the grass for quite sometime.

That is why it is making Aisha sick.

Aisha is a gift from a fella chatter gal in Alamak last time. Her name is smurfy and she is very much obessed with tortoises and turtles. This India-star breed is considered an endangered species and was bought illegally in a pet shop in Serangoon.

Heard it fetch around 10K in the black market if you wanna buy one.

I was very fortunate to buy this for $40 5 yrs ago. Aisha is totally minmum maintanence. She's a land tortoise and doesnt smell as bad as the water ones. (terrapins)

When I took her home, she's juz a small pingpong ball and she can float on water as well. she doesnt fear water too. which makes Aisha a very fun and interesting pet to keep because of her small size. small size land tortoise.

So that saturday, I put Aisha on a pail of water and for the first time, and probably my last, I saw her stick her cute head out, and peered the surroundings. Black beady eyes with hawk-like beak. She nvr bite me and she's extremely shy.

So I took one step further and start scrubbing her shell with a brush. I guess I must have gone overboard when i tried to scrub her lower shell. after the whole ordeal, I placed Aisha in a small ball of tissues and wait for her to dry whilst I watch TV.

then I discovered streaks of blood oozing out of her shell. *SHIT!* I exclaimed aloud. I cant take her to the vet knowing it is an endangered species. I quickly clean her wounds and placed her in the tank and hope the blood will start clotting the wound and recover.

Aisha nvr did recovered. =/

The Sunday and MOnday she merely crawled (painfully) back to her bedding. she used to use her claws to open a small hole in the bedding to fit her shell. I saw her sleep that way for the next day.

Aisha passed away in her sleep.

I took out Aisha today and saw the blood did clotted. but I guess she lost a lot of blood that day. she nvr budged when I poked her head. I shake her but she doesnt move. and her body slowly turned black.

I buried her that night. In a small black box with a clear window. I digged the soil below my void deck where the flowers bed is. I tot Aisha might liked it.

I lighted a josstick and pray for her. For 5 yrs i nvr did have time to look at you. I guess you been a great pet. Mum and sis will say u're a fengshui turtle that promotes stability in the family. I wished I would have taken proper care of you but I guess evrything I say is useless now.

But i promise i'll light a josstick at your flower bed for the next 7 days. Hope you nvr had to be a turtle again in your next life. you are part of the things that make my life slightly colorful.

From your guilt-striken Owner.

Rest in peace Aisha.


Blogger レイチェル said...

dun rear pets if there's nobody to take care of it even if it's low maintenance... (T_T)

9:24 AM  
Blogger joey said...


8:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:07 PM  

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