Monday, August 13, 2007

A little tale from the 7th Month...

I not sure if you would call me... telepathic.

but I am pretty sharp in hearing things.. perhaps its something I deduce from digging my ears with jossticks since young.. and it kinda trained me for some unknown sounds from beyond...

Just yesterday nite when I was about to go to bed, I heard a lot of 'clinking' sounds, like chains below my void deck. its not a single chains, but multiple chains that resembles hundreds over windchimes ringing at the same time. Coincidence? Hard of hearing thus I am imgaining? perhaps so.

But Not when the dogs from neighbouring army camp started howling like 30mins. Super errie. (We always have those dogs loitering near our HDB looking for scraps.)

But my little story did not end here. I was driving home from Ave 5 today. There was an unfortunate accident involving a taxi and a bike near the bridge across the expressway. thus, I drove very slowly and halfway thr the journey, I realized I had to pay some credit card bills hence I did a short stopover at the Yewtee MRT AXS machine.

Saw a little piece of credit card receipt from someone who dropped it. Credit used S$11K , credit left $900. Some ppl really can spend manz! (Just being kpo la ;p )

I paid up promptely and went to my vehicle and continue my ride home. I normally used the main roads to get to my MSCP. but this time I was nearby a little road, which is leading to another MSCP (not mine) and the exit is leading to my MSCP anyway. I took it and because there is pedestrians using the sidewalk, I had to drive very slowly, because some of them like to wander on the road.

I was going at 20km/hr (for driver you know how SLOWWW it can be) and something tells me... it doesnt look right on my right hand side. there were about 20+ ppl on the sidewalk today. I looked at my watch, 1030pm. All the backs were facing me. We were travelling in the same direction.

My headlights were on. Yellow beam. Ppl walking at different speed. Wearing differnt color shirts. ONE STOOD OUT LIKE A SORE THUMB. JUST ONE.

Usally when we walk, if you see NORMAL ppl walking, because we use one leg in front and one leg behind, from the back view, you will notice that your head will be bobbing up and down, up and down. coz of your leg adjustment la.

SOMETHING TELL ME, someone isnt really walking normally. A girl (from the back, long hair) was in between an old auntie and her son I think. She walks like.. you know.. gliding. yeah. its like she hardly uses her leg at all so you cant see the head going up and down. its like one straight line.

I was like 10m away from her, that freaks me out. and she was in black long dress (someone did expect white eh? lol) and just 'walked' behind the auntie and her son. I was really spooked by then. I managed to go pass her.. and boldly managed a sneak peep thr my door mirror. Viola! No one is behind the auntie in my mirror!

I stepped on my pedal and did a 50km/hr in a HDB lot and scrambled the hell outta there. (I hope I didnt caught 'her' attention guLPZ*)

I reached my parking lot and ran for my home. Mom saw me entering and face white as sheet. She asked if I am okay, I just told her I saw an accident just now and it upsets me.

Yup.. 7th month is finally here. The death amongest the living again. No more late nights and OT for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

place buddhist rosaries or those hu shen fu (can be taken from 4 horse road temple) in ur helps.

1:34 PM  
Blogger eternal-east said...

I have a status keychain of Guan yin from taiwan. Hanging in front of my car windscreen.

3:01 PM  

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