Sunday, September 23, 2007

Making sense of it all..

I'm practically trying to make sense of being in this industry...

I'm aint sure of Eric intentions of me following the ah nehs for jobs. but I dun really mind if I am learning things there.

Firstly, I dun understand why the men dun allow me to do the foundation jobs with them. they want me to watch, idle and perhaps sleep. Of course I did some menial jobs like passing the liquid for them and doing some mixing jobs. But the main jobs of damming the foundations, which is easily the dirtiest job of all, they dun want me to get dirtied.

Even my foreman also dun allow me to do it. haiz. So I am the engineer, idling one that is. But despite that, my overall isnt as clean as it should be. anyway.

I should say I had the worst week of my life this week. My apologies for not updating as much as possible. I did not managed to reach home at the proper hrs for 2 days. and I MEAN PROPER HRS LIKE WITHIN 24hrs. I reached home from a job which lasted.. 30 hrs... -_-"

The fucking job at Jurong shipyard. Not only the security is tight, the fucking rules and regulations stinks too. NO MORE EXITING FROM THE YARD AFTER 6PM! CAN YOU FUCKING IMAGINE?

Anyway we dun have much complaints because it a huge engine we are doing that day, and we dun expect to complete much before 3am aT LEAST. BUT, NO FOOD? NO DRINKS? come on, at least release one of us to go for a quick 'dabao' for the guys right? The security guard the Jurong yard is so fucking 'haolian'. I actually left for 1-2 hrs that day to attend to another man's job at another yard. The guy says CANNOT. But follow procedures which means I must get a temp gate pass to come back. BUT I DID CALLED THE IN-CHARGE WHO IS NOT AROUND, and HIS HP is OFF. WELL DONE. WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO HUH?

But i fucking bochap him and left the yard anyway. so the challenging part is coming back to the yard again. which LUCKILY, I managed to sneak in via some inproper channel. and the stupid guard dun even know. If I were to write in and lodge against him, he confirm lose his stupid job.

another nonsense thing about this line. Handphone. yeah, No camera phone because they regarded shipyards as a 'sensitive zone' . Of coz, you use the phone to call number, be it cam or non-cam. Whoeever had a cam-phone and take pics is really challenging the policies of course. but I dun think the upper mgtment understand this issue. they says, SORRY, NO CAMPHONE. FINE.

I got myself a non-cam phone couple of occasions back. AND 99% OF THE Time I am IN A NON-FUCKING SIGNAL ZONE! WTF RIGHT? Even WITH CAM PHONE OR BIG WATER BOTTLE HANDPHONE, I CANT EVEN CALL OUT! did the upper mgtment knows about it? or they fucking too rich to understand while they make policies for poor ppl to follow and they themselves fuck off to some golf resort and play ball?

I seriously think most of the policies here is set for idiots to follow. and unfortunately, in order to earn the pink dollars, you end up being the idiot. Like 100% of the time. *sigh*

So I had a fucked up job at the jurong yard from 8am in the morning till the next noon 12nn. Wow, I must be really pro enough to drive me back from Tuas to Yewtee in one piece without sleeping or following the road signals. and the next day, I still managed to get to work the next morning. of course, my foreman and some of the workers were quite surprised to see me at work the next day. (half expecting me to get the MC)

and to add to the mounting cost of this job, I had a problem with my overalls. Usually the laundry services in my company caters for the blue collared workers. so for engineers and white overalls staffs, the uniform will take (no pun intended) 1 mth before you can get your hands on clean suits. 1 MTH? TO WAIT FOR YOUR DIRTY-TO-CLEAN SUITS to be ready.

Unbelivable. I asked eric and kenn about this dilemma. Both of them replied curtly, 'get it washed at home, like us.'

I was wondering about 2 things.
1) Can my household clothes ever be CLEANED ENOUGH after i throw all the oil stained soiled uniforms to wash?
2) Will my washer machine retired early from it manufacture date if I tried to throw all my uniforms in, like weekly?

I guess the answer is all in your heads readers.

So much so, I tried asking for pricing from local private washers. $10 per overall. That's $40 per week for 4 clean suits. Just laundry. Not dry clean. $40? $160 for a mth? I can get my car twice as clean for this sum of money!

Drastic attempts calls for drastic measures. I went to Courts. I got myself a new washing machine. Just for washing my overalls.

it cost around 3 hund dollars. Samsung brand. They delivered today actually. And I have no idea how to install these and run concurrently with the current washing machine. I need a piping specialist. I cleaned 2 uniforms. the slightly cleaner ones. No problem. the dirtier ones I have problems. The stains wont come off. and the tank in the new washing machine feels oily and sticky after 2 wash.

Well at least it solves my suits cleaning problem.

2 more days to my first PROPER ACTUAL PAYDAY! cant wait to see the sum of money in the bank! XD Will host a lunch to thank my current colleagues for their support and help. and of coz another one for the co-workers. and perhaps another one for my family too. haha

Wedding invites is lining at me these couple of months. 2 weddings in OCtober. One from a secondary sch fren. the other one is a close relative. One at 2nd Oct and the other one, 10 days later. and end of mth, one more from my army friend. Geez. its so.. I duno? am i getting old? should I start planning for myself? I duno. I dun wanna think.

Was at the relative house yesterday, mum's brother actually. He turned 70 yesterday.
Zan's bdae is today. heh. Hope he had a gd day with Irene.

Social life is risking zero status currently. Got dates No time. Got time, only want to sleep. terrible line this is. No time for regret. but did think of times at PSM when I go home at 6pm everyday and SAT SUN is no work. Not anymore. *sigh*

I missed a settler's cafe gaming session with the folks couple of days back. and missed a large portion of movies as well. but frankly, did anyone miss me? or was I just part of the little things they had in mind? Cant helped thinking abt it.

Oh yeah I did went back to PSM to get my testimonial a week ago. Well written by CY! haha. But no one in the office talked to me much when I returned. Sighz.

I went Farmmart today. Was contemplating to get my house a Arowana to rear. But couldnt find any cheap and gd ones. Went all the way to Qian Hu to get some fresh ideas. Saw a funny fish 'spa' which advertise for $10 for 30mins. Some kind of small fish which feeds on your loose skin cells. Quite a novelty idea I must say. Should try that some time. Saw about 6 ppl trying the fish 'spa'.

If you guys are keen, we can go together ok?

Oh Lancer club is having a CCK meet up this monday. I think I just founded myself a group of common interest friends soon. A new CCK gang for me. =)

Meanwhile, I have to sleep. I need loads of it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You think yourself ba... everyday you so bz.. meeting up with friends is so cham... let alone weekends you sibey bo eng.. then u got your lancer friends to meet.. blah blah..

where got time for your BEE? T_T

So fucking sad. =\

2:00 PM  
Blogger eternal-east said...

There will always be time for bee. I am mostly available for Sundays! (my only rest day that is lolx)
If you wanna try the farmmart 'fish therapy' , we can go sometime

4:51 PM  
Blogger joey said...

why do u think they pay u so high..they want u to be their slave

10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I nv go fishing before ley... BRING!~

and i agree with joey heheheh

5:24 PM  
Blogger joey said...

etel: fishing is boring..dun bother k

7:21 PM  
Blogger eternal-east said...

its not fishing..

you soak your feet into a clean pond with those fishes, they are scavengers kind. they will eat your loose skin cells (cannot see one).

tiny little fishes. Suppose to be therapeutic spa kind.

9:52 AM  
Blogger joey said...

wat if it is a snake head?

8:18 AM  

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