Working in this line can be...

quite a headache.
First the security is darn tight. and the people aint really the kind you can smile at. K is going on 2 weeks reservists and he pushed everything to me, in an hr. expecting me to understand everything he had not done. haiz
So I finally completed the filing cabinet, the whole project cost 70bucks. straight out of my pockets. pending payment of course. (I told Eric the whole project about 40 dollars. Guess I'll have to sacrifice my allowance for the whole tidiness.
It was a quiet saturday today. Send some men to 2 jobs around the yards in the morning. and I was out the whole morning running errands for their monday jobs and getting some signatures on the job done over the week. (before I could do billing)
I was at the hardware supplier shop down at Pioneer road north, this certain Mr Teo from HS Warehouse is a chatty man. although our age is like half a mile apart, we have a lovely conversation. We talked about the sales we been giving them. any troubles in billing and invoicing, and before my departure, managed to get some silicon guns for my men to my office. Oh and my long-awaited safety belt too.
Now I am fully geared up for the trade manz! Safety helmet, safety belt, boots, safety glass, earplugs, and the stupid white overall. I just hope I wont have to donned all of this very often. *pray*
Oh I went to a pretty sensitive and interesting place this week. Its called an Anchorage. Its not exactly in Singapore. its a few miles off the shores of a certain shipyard in Singapore, which I had to take their designated ferry over to the location. Its like an isolated oil rigging station out in the sea. But Spore doesnt have oil in its area la. the company is just doing up the repair works for this anchorage before sending it to the open sea.
There are like 3 guard posts before I could even step on the oil rig. 2 of my ah nehs is there for 3 days already. They had been sleeping, shitting, eating there for 3 days to complete the 8 thruster motors. One of my men, Mr Tan, did not bring any clothes over, hence when we arrived, the stench coming from his clothes... is indescribable. =x
he was babbering about Eric 'sabo' him whom told him it was a one-day job. and din expect to drag for 3 days. I felt sorry for him. He's ard 50+ so maybe this old man got to let out some of his grievences.
I went to the anchorage with my foreman (pic attached as above) to do some testing. Meet the angmoh surveryor in the anchorage. we chatted a lil. the mech supervisor is charge of this project was very impressed by my men's work. and he wrote a compliments to Eric about this. We were very pleased indeed.
I took the opportunity to go out to the Heli-deck. (its a deck for helicopters to land). Wow, the view is simply amazing. The draft is strong and the air is sea-breeze freshness. I took a lil nap at the heli-deck while waiting for my ferry to take us back to mainland. (Ferry delayed, and the intervals is like every 2 hrs, and only 12 men can load inside the ferry. if your name isnt inside and its full, sorry, you gotta wait 2 more hrs)
Work have sort of fell into a standard procedure. I cant really say I am enjoying every moment of it. Especially getting used to waking up for Sat halfday. with more income, the sacrifices is inevitable.
my ex-coy is going for company trip. They called me up and told me about it. JEALOUS! lol
this time they are either going to Chiang Mai or Korea. and the new export exec whom took over my post is going too. Lucky him. Some company requires new personel to work for a yr before joining them for any activities. PSM isnt that kinda company. Lucky guy.
I went to AMK hub today. The closest I ever get to relive my painful memories of her. We had many memories of meeting each other at AMK MRT many yrs ago. I almost had the urge to drive to Hougang and just wait for her. I almost..
I swore to myself I will never ever step inside Hougang for as long as I live.I guess.. we can never ever goes back. When one is unable to goes back, one even when seen, will never get back the same feelings. and why.. would I ever want to have anything to do in that area.. or .. even her?
Anyway depressing topic aside. I have decided to get my Nokia 6110 Navigator from Singtel! my contract is expiring soon. Now the headache is either trading my SEK800i or my O2 atom which now stands at $250 trade-in value. If I sell it at ah beng shop, would it be more? you guys help me ask around la.. =p
The N6110 will help me get my way around Singapore. GPS is a very useful gadget nowadays. esp for blur roadie like me. =x
and the missing piece will come in next year, which I will trade my remaing phone from Starhub for the iPHONE! wahhahaha SWEE TIMING!
Received plenty of red bombs these 2 weeks in the mails. Ex-sch mates. Ex-chatter. Cousins. blah. WHY! WHY! WHY! all get married at yr-end! XD
But of course you guys can see my msn message la. doesnt mean I angry, I also feel happy for them la. but feel sorry for my wallet :P
Next week will be even more exciting! My carclub, Singapore LAncer club is invited by CAAS for a trial meet-up at T3! Wohoo! they will be testing their operation procedures there. and to make it interesting, they had made it into a game-like structure. So we will be able to maybe zoom around the airport? another carclub will also be involved. But nvm, since the slots is only 50 for lancerians, I am fortunate to be selected for this event! yeah~
There is talks about a charity event at the end of the yr by the SLC. Ferry orphans and under-privilieged children to Orchard road during Decemeber 8th. Those children are from ASEAN regions and some had never even sat in a car before. An organisation is responsible for their airticks and hotels, but they lacked cars. So SLC had spear-headed this for 40 car owners to do some good for the under-privileged. I send my entry for vetting, hopefully I will be able to redeem some of my sins by doing some charity.
I wonder if my sins is making my appeal to the opp sexes less and less interested. LOLx nowadays no females opportunity. 没桃花啦!heard from a geomancy shifu that if you put pink amethyst crystals in your bedroom, you might be able to attract some babes. lolx OR face reality? ISSIT JUST ME THAT THEY AINT REALLY INTERESTED IN? (and this one largi no cure) So I'll try to shift the blame on pink crystals okie? *bleh*
Tml will be meeting the sweet and hot looking insurance agent for SOME BUSINESS. as usual. why only women is only sweet to me when it is ONLY BUSINESS? sighz
you guys tell me. Esp you gals. How can east IMPROVE CHEMISTRY WITH FEMALES AND MAKE THEM SIT UP AND LOOK AT ME. Winner get a prize. A dinner treat at any hotel restuarant in Singapore. (but of course IT WILL ONLY BE GOOD ADVICE and SOUNDS GOOD AND TESTED UPON)
OKie, feel so tired. I update you guys again next week.
P:S Bee, the bee movie. If we can do it on the weekdays, I will ONZ you la. Thanks for inviting.
How can east IMPROVE CHEMISTRY WITH FEMALES AND MAKE THEM SIT UP AND LOOK AT ME. Winner get a prize. A dinner treat at any hotel restuarant in Singapore. (but of course IT WILL ONLY BE GOOD ADVICE and SOUNDS GOOD AND TESTED UPON)
Ans: don't bother
Have u regretted to leave ur PSM company
Wow shipyard n rigs~~ sounds like George(if u rem him) n my other friend's job..but theirs is working at the rigs etc...very tough job.
I also always try to avoid Hougang..memories :S
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