Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tot I was dead eh?

I am sorry for the lack of entries lately.

It had been a roller-coaster ride ever since I joined G. It can get very busy and very edgy for me. even when I replied msn during office hrs, it would be quite a prompt yes or no. or even a nudge. Nothing else.

Halloween just over. I tot the guys were at the Halloween party this yr. Never been to one or organized one before. Supposed it would be quite fun to go at least once. I mean, you have to try everything in life at least once yeah?

Days passed very quicky when you are buried in work. Infact, most of the arrangements of the workers is done by me now. I supposed Eric and ken is feeling so eng that they can go holidays liao. But still, I could feel the sense of 'tekaning' in the air. (Tekan means unreasonable bullying la)

I still lunch alone. yup. No one ask me for lunch along. I supposed they are not comfortable enough to dine with me. The only time I had a male indian colleague ask me together for lunch was because.. he forgot to prepare his lunchbox. -_-' (sighZ)

Nothing is smooth recently. I received my 2nd offense ticket for parking illegally near my customer worksite. $50 bucks. Bo bianz pay up. its really testing the system. Was there for barely 40mins and came back to see a nice looking ticket on my windscreen. Told the guys about it, but all they say is 'company wont pay'.

Of course coy wont pay la! I nvr even ask the coy to pay for me in the first place what!

Also, I had 2 'minor' accident on the road today. This is perhaps one of the most 'serious' one I sustained so far. Was travelling along Tanjong Kling road towards Jurong shipyard. Was following a lorry behind. Lorry drove pass the road to revealed a twisted metal rod on the road after passing by. Couldnt stop in time.

SO BAM! Some pieces of my undercarriage plastics fell off the roads. too late. I dont like the sound of that. Stopped at the nearby carpark to assess the damage. Saw another car in front of the bussto, LOOKING AT HIS OWN CAR AS WELL.

I supposed we both went through the stupid rod. Looks quite bad. my exhaust pipe cover was exposed. Cracked up midway. and my protective cover all ruined. I fetch my foreman from Jurong shipyard and he suggested we go to Pioneer road north to get it accessed by our company repairshop.

The repairman jacked up my car and say I could still drive. and suggested that he buy the broken up plastic pieces to fix them on. but due to the fact that the OEM parts need to order, I would have to see how much it would cost.

$145 freaking dollars for 2 pcs of plastics and some screws. Car repair shops really know how to 'carrot' ppl. Somemore, I am working for G, shouldnt I get some discount for that?

:( although I could do away without the repair, coz no one can see the damage anyway. But I chose to go ahead with it. Can you imagine if next time I would to go through the same instances and escape unscathed? I doubt so.

Lucky the plastic covers protects my engine, if kanna engine, I doubt I can even pay up for the repair. :S

I thought I am done away with the bad luck. when tragedy struck twice at the PIE towards KJE. On the expressway, i used the 2nd lane to get to my home. Just turned a bend at 90km/hr, there is one STUPID FUCKING BICYCLE PEDAL ON THE ROAD! too late, couldnt switch lane in time, BAM! my tyres rolled over it.

Cant access the damage at the expressway manz. drove all the way home and finally looked at the tyres. I just changed my tyres and rims less than a mth ago leh! If punctured i would have cried on the spot.

No much damage. No flat tyre. But a totally bad experience today.

Workers were having a free luncheon by G today. We had less projects today hence we could have lunch together. the clerks and other dept staffs are also invited. Bill cost around 200hund bucks for 14 ppl.

Family affair. Old lady was traumatised by the kidnap of the little furball. Old daughter took Mother white to the vet and had it neutered. Old lady was very fond of the little kitty. but ever since it was 'taken away' (actually adopted by a neighbouring lady whom my mom knew), she been complaining non-stop and worried constantly why she never get to adopt it herself.

My little PSP had finally went for the long long overdue revamped. Knew a Lancer forum friend who did modifications of PSP. Paid him $25 to install all the pirated games and even gave him my portable harddrive to download more games inside. all these for $25. Cant wait to see my re-vamped PSP tomorrow when I go down to west coast mac to collect it.

Petrol prices is rising like tsunami recently. I had downgraded my petrol perference from Ron98 to Ron95. cut costs. and despite the $400 subsidy from the company, its still not enough to cover my entire mth usgae. Okay I did pay maybe an extra $50 to cover the cost. but its still manageable. $50 more for one mth of petrol. Just hope not to receive more tics from our 'friendly and efficient' Gahmen.

FInished all the wedding events. did not recieved anymore this year. Maybe december will receive one or two bah. but nothing yet. Baby invites quites some. Most of my NS friends are father stages already. and they are way younger than me manz. hehe

Had received my 2nd mth pay. 4 more months to go before the end of my probation. But its a good time to receive probation. Now we have a public holiday every mth till Feb 2008. I cant take the stress of not taking any MC or any leaves during this period. I MUST GO OVERSEAS WHEN I FINISHED MY PROBATION. need to de-stress.

Think i nagged alot today. So till next time, we shall blog again.

Oh yeah, the bee movie, do you think we could watch it on weekdays? NTUC had offer for bee movie. One tic cost $6.50 and free popcorn combo at Lido 3. Let me know if we could do it on Nov 12 or 13? Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu


Blogger joey said...

hope police will start to do something to those who mod PSP..punish them harshly heheh

3:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

monday watch movie, u siao! tuesday joey cannot.. thought tues i got the 6.50 membership discount also.

On another note, maybe you are so suay because of you REFUSED TO GO AND SEE BEE MOVIE WITH YOUR BEE! *KICKS BIG TIME*

10:51 AM  
Blogger joey said...

etel: forget abt him.. can always find other pple to watch..i can go with u..

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sigh.. *hugs joey*

6:51 PM  

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