Tuesday, December 25, 2007


I was talking to a friend on msn earlier on,
I didnt know him especially well, but he came to wish me Merry Xmas.

We talked about minor stuffs, then we talked about how time flies, then we dwell about this particular gal he had been with. For a fleeting second, I could feel that I am talking to myself, especially when I heard him type, his tone, his messages, his disappointments, his wishes.

I felt that I am talking to myself of years ago.

I could offer no advice. For advises often fell on deaf ears. I could offer no condolences, for condolences I believed, is best suited for funerals. Thus I told him this.

'There are many a times when I felt life giveth me no choice. There are many a times, when the person we chose, had a change of mind. We could no longer master our own fate, but adapt to the situation, that people have left us with. You could scream and shout all you want, but in the end, just like a great big party, someone had to clear up the mess.

Which in this case, it was yours. Foregone, untold party.'

The one who stole your heart, which you willingly gave, decides, if she is here for a reason, and most unfortunately not, decides to stay for only a season. Life is fragile, for it is short, but if we giveth ourselves too little options, too few chances, we might feel like Fate is unfair to us.

You could carry on in the hunter and prey game, or you could try not to focus on this game at all, and hope that Fate dealt you a better hand unknowingly. I was a poor NS man from the army. I was compared unnecssary from one person to the other. I was constantly reminded that I came from a background which the society often frowns on. But yet I toiled on, clenching my fist, my teeth, to reminds that everything I fought for now, my career, my future, my success, my financial security, that I could proveth, that people who once looked down on me, is wrong.

I couldnt assure you success, but I could assure you, you have half a chance if you tried. To defend what you believed in, and with efforts, you'll reap a whole field of harvest, if not, half a field. It is a never-ending process, probably till you die, but believe me when I tell you this, your heart, caught up in this spectrum of life-never-ending chases, will heal one day. and you'll find, a gal, or perhaps more (laughs) waiting for you, at the end of the rainbow.

- and I promptly closed the msn browser. and gone for my bath. -

X'mas is over GUYS! time to welcome 2008! In a few days time! Yahoo!

Oh yeah, huili is back from Cambodia, I cant wait to hear her adventures. And many ppl birthdays is happening around this month too. *BROKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*


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