This Chinese New Year Episode..

As usual, I had been too busy to come back. But i certainly do thank the readers for taking time to know and update themselves abt what I am doing currently.
(Infact I am surprised Noni is here XD)
OKay so the Chinese New year came in a jiffy.
and left before I could even blink my eye. @_@
Only in this month of the year, I am allowed to touch a pack of cards, and it involves money as well. I am not a hardcore gambler, and I am not gonna be. Just look at my Dad, and you'll know I'll nvr be a specimen of his future takings.
So I changed a large quantities of $2 bills, waiting for some lucky fella to come and win it from me. But as luck would allowed it, I ended up taking theirs instead. BOO
On the 1st day, I won $200 from my Dad's relatives
2nd day, $340 from my mum's side.
3rd day, the HKE bengs came, and I swallowed $250 from them.
The following week, they came for vengence, and some of the #ec guys were here also, (thank you for coming) and I gobbled $100.
All in this month takings, another $890 in east's coffers. All fair in game and luck. I was prepared to lose as usual, but maybe I had a pretty gd hand.
But I blew almost half of it during V day anyway. haha
On V day, thanks to the 'generous donations' from my relatives and brudders, I had a lovely and sumptuous meal at the Ritz Cartlon Hotel. But since that day is a thursday, and I happen to work the next day, I didnt do anything else but send the gal home. (Now I know which idiots would think a lovely hotel will do to spend the nite away anyway)
(Even though I wanted to LOLX) but anyway I feel really tired. so I went home after dinner lor. yup, no movies as well.
I caught all 3 movies during the CNY season. and I Must say, SERVE JACK NEO RIGHT FOR GETTING half a star IN HIS "AH LONG PTE LTD"
It is truly disgusting, loose plot, loose actors, and I reckon he muz have given most of his fees to Fann for her appearance and everything appear to be so budget.. and so unbearble. and the only thing i felt happy about is when the credits starts rolling and everyone is leaving.
CJ7 was a ripoff from some 'poor ppl with pride' movie. Even though the CGI effects makes up for the lack of script and scenarios, it was pretty bearable.
Kungfu dunk was the only movie i feel gd about. Not only Jay is in there, but my fav sports is also the theme of this movie! And there's fighting scenes comparable to the HK ones.
and I dun think Jack is accusing the movie critic of 'being cruel to ppl's effort' in Wanbao some weeks ago. I THINK the movie critic deserves appluades for being so frank abt this show. I am a bloody movie critic myself. I watched almost all movies during my weekends and only leave those unmarketable ones.
So pls, Jack, No more of these lame across-the-causeway production that makes me really sick.
Devil and Lynn was the major upset on my gambling table if you muz know. We were playing blackjack whole day long, and she kept getting "BAN LUCK" or "BAN BAN" or 5 dragons" in her strings of gd luck.
But in the end, the banker know how to steal the poor to pay the rich. =p
As for work, ever since I been confirmed, Eric and Adwin had been nice to me. Infact I was taken aback by Eric "mr nice guy" attitude, I still had not got used to it. But better be nice than never.
Work is hectic as usual. My relationships with my nehs is also improving. So its not a hassle getting them to work as well. Hing the old man is as usual, being naggy about this and that, but in the end, he still listens to me and goes to work as instructed. Even though I hated those nehs for cheating on their overtime, who am I to comment if Eric is not making a fuss about it? *shrugged*
I'll be going for my 太岁礼 soon, and i'll tell you guys about it in the next entry. Pretty interesting for me, for I had nvr set foot inside a temple for a long long time.
stay tuned.