Good vs Evil

There was time when my friends asked, "east, are you a good person or a bad person?"
How will you answer it?
Is this a question I could be capable of answering?
I supposedly in the wordly sort of way, I never killed anyone, I never burned down houses, never pushed old women off the road or MRT, I couldnt be that bad of a person right?
What constitutes a good or bad person? Is it true that karma will befalls those who did sins and pays for it? Is it true that good fortunte will comes to those who did good deeds?
Is this is the case, a bad deed for a bad retribution, a good deed for a good outcome, i supposedly this world will be quite fair isnt it?
Many people will asked, and come with answers of their own. Because he did such-and-such things in the past, there fore IT WILL COME TO HIM. Because I THINK he is such a person, so I think I keep to the rest opinions. They cant be wrong right? Call it intuition, call it peer pressure, call it anything you want, but ultimately when the calling comes, it doesnt come from them.
It comes from beyond. Perhaps at your deathbed. But definitely not those who is as flesh and living and breathing as you do. Do they claimed they had higher 'value' than you because they nvr did such-and-such- things or because simply to put it personal, THEY ISNT YOU? Dont they sin? Dont they bleed? Dont they come to a point circumstances will give them no room for compromise or negotiation?
I find it peculiar, people will compare. and judge you. just because they're "purer" than you? It make me amused. very amusing indeed.
I used to fall from the heavens once. The angel whom weeped for me, giveth me the knife in the heart. and I was the one, who took the plunge. Right from the 7th heaven, straight to the pits of hell. and I lie there. bleeding. and ponder. and ask, "why?"
Have I not come from there? the land of the 'pure'? The land where innocence and purity strives? But that land, is not for mortals like us. The wound may have healed, but the heart will bleed. I climbed my way out from the pits, like the rest of the dejected souls, determined to join the world again. Determined not to be put down upon again, determined, in order to survive, you must be the fittest. You must be the strongest. Even if you must sacrificed things along the way, you will eventually, succeded.
Does empires comes in the hands of those who preach purity? Does Empires stand because of far-sight? Empires are build, IN BLOODSHED and BATH.
When I climbed out of that pits many yrs ago, I believed I must have brought along something out from there. A darker being, constantly trying to consume me. As I fought against the corporate world, I fought with myself. Morality, ethics, social responsibility? You can play the fair game, but only you will realized, you had been playing with yourself all that time.
As I trampled and fought, bleed and survived the harsh environment, the rewards I recived reaped more than what books and democrats and purists can teach. As much as my success grew, my demon inside me, matured and grown with me.
So much so, I began to form a completely contrasting character from who I am , and what I liked. I for one, was never an avid lover of nighttime. But I grew to love, the pleasure of night that could bring me. Alcohol, binding lights and the smell of lust. Its like tasting sins right from the cup.
In the day, I was sullen. Quiet. Almost non-existant. the class example of a workhorse who does nothing but slog for the company. that is when night approaches, I seems to 'wake up' and my thirst follows.
Have I not donned the wings of the angel before? Only the losers will seems to liked it. Have I not preached holiness before? Only the few will hear of it. Humans, are extremely contempt creatures. For their fellow kind. They held in contempt for ppl who are more successful, they held you in contempt for being popular, they held you in contempt for being too influential. You can never be too much or too little in such things, because each of us, holds a different ruler in our little pockets, call minds. Some have big pockets, some have little pockets, some pockets have holes in it, and couldnt contain any damn thing for long. Some have no pockets, which I aint sure how they manage logic and life.
Because right from the day I fell into the pit, I traded my feathery wings for leather one. and I asked for it, simply because, I do not want to get hurt again. and not to be looked down upon.
and the price to pay, in time will come. But not for the mortal folks like all of you to judge. Salvation is but, a passing cloud to me.
So thus ended my blog for the day.
With this, I bid you goodnight.